多发性表皮松解性棘皮瘤: 可能被误认为病毒性疣的罕见外阴病变

Steven Irwin, M.B., Afzal Karim, F.R.C.Path, Pamela McHenry, M.D., Sonya Hutchinson, M.B., Keith Miller, F.R.C.Path., Jackie Jamison, F.I.B.M.S., Joseph Houghton, F.R.C.Path., and W. Glenn McCluggage, F.R.C.Path

From the Departments of Pathology (S.I., A.K., W.G.M.); Dermatology (S.H.), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust; Belfast Skin Clinic (P.M.); Centre for Medical Education, Queen's University (J.H.), Belfast; Department of Pathology, Southmead Hospital, Bristol (K.M.); and Department of Pathology, Antrim Area Hospital, Antrim, UK (JJ.).

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to W. Glenn McCluggage, FRCPath, Department of Pathology, Royal Group of Hospitals Trust, Grosvenor Road, Belfast BT12 6BA, UK. E-mail: glenn.mccluggage@belfasttrust.hscni.net.

明健 翻译  姜彦多 审校
